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Vol. 21 No. 4, 2018


Impact of fi re on spatial distribution of hunting mammals in Jewish Autonomous Region
Revutskaya O.L., Glagolev V.A., Fetisov D.M.
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Synanthropic complex of species (Potentilla L.) in Priamurye and Primorye
Motorykina T.N.
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Infl uence of temperature regime on rice seeds germination and energy of the process
Mikhalik T.A., Sunitskaya T.V., Mohan O.V.
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Development of an expert system to determine the predictive risks of diseases
Posvalyuk N.Uh., Pogorelov S.A.
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Problems of creating stereoscopic spherical panoramas
Kozhevnikova T.V., Faleeva E.V.
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Use of the placer method in soil mineralogy
Ivashov P.V.
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Assessment of hydrocarbon contamination in the industrial area of Khabarovsk (water, soils, sediments)
Garetova L.A., Fisher N.K., Imranova E.L., Kirienko O.A., Koshelkov A.M., Tugay Z.N.
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Anthropogenic air pollution in Birobidzhan and its quality control
Kalmanova V.B.
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Retrospective analysis of large mineral and infrastructure projects infl uence on the development of settlements in Jewish Autonomous Region
Goryukhin M.V.
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Economic consequences of energy supply tariffs regulation for the Khabarovsk Territory population
Demina O.V., Naiden S.N.
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Development of an algorithm based on statistical methods to assess the pricing policy of regional pharmacy organizations
Stepanov A.S., Kozhevnikova T.V., Manzhula I.S.
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The market of road freight transportation in the Russian Far East
Bardal A.B.
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Demographic situation in the rural areas of the Jewish Autonomous Region and measures to improve it
Sukhoveeva A.B., Kalinina I.V.
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Environmental impact the environmental quality of the Khabarovsk Krai in the incidence of children population
Evseeva G.P., Pichugina S.V., Yаkovlev E.I., Pepelyaeva L.R.
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Evaluation of the economic crises impact on the quality of public health in Jewish Autonomous Region
Sukhoveeva A.B.
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Health and education of children in regions of Russia: from clustering to imitating simulation
Filipova A.G., Vysotskaya A.V.
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The issue of modeling regional development
Fishman B.Е.
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