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Vol. 19 No. 4, 2016


Clustering and chimera in the spatial-temporal dynamics of populations with age structure in the ring habitat
Kulakov M.P., Frisman E.Ya.
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Concept of a dynamic gravity model for migration
Khavinson M.Yu., Kulakov M.P.
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Rift-related alkaline magmatism of the south-eastern part of the Russian Far East
Goroshko M.V.
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Kolyma-Okhotsk region and its precious metal mineralisation
Nigay E.V.
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Structure of zoobenthos in the left-bank tributaries of the Lower Amur (Khabarovsk Territory)
Yavorskaya N.M.
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Interannual variability in growth rate of the sea cucumber Eupentacta Fraudatrix, dependent on the ambient temperature
Dolmatova L.C.
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Rare species of meadow plant communities in the valley of the lower stream of the Ussury river
Motorikina T.N.
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Organic matter in underground waters of the Amur Region geothermal fi elds
Poturay V.A.
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Forest indicators of the essessment of geosystems transformation in the southern regions of the Far East
Baburin A.A., Klimina E.M., Glagolev V.A.
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Trends in the intensity of fi re seasons tension in Khabarovsk Territory and Jewish Autonomous Region
Kogan P.M., Glagolev V.A.
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Pyrological characteristics of vegetation and their infl uence on the soil in Jewish Autonomous Region
Zubareva A.M.
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Development of maritime transport in Russia and in the Russian Far East in the context of globaltrends in 2015
Zaostrovskikh E.A.
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Evaluation of the external sector structure in the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory: interregional and export projections
Belousova А.V.
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Social transformation of 1990s as a factor of daily life crisis for the population of the Russian Far East (on the results of fi eld studies)
Kovalevskaya Yu.N.
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Host community and labor migrants in the Russian Far East: multidisciplinary analysis of the historical situation in the early XXI century
Vaschuk A.S., Yermak G.G.
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Factors which contribute to attitudes of the host community to migrants of different ethnicity in Jewish Autonomous Region
Kutovaya S.V.
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Modern trends in age-sex structure of the population in Jewish Autonomous Region
Komarova T.M.
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