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Vol. 20 No. 4, 2017

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Social infrastructure for children: objective and subjective assessment (a case study of Primorsky Territory)


Philipova A.G.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (1058 К) PP. 115-122.


The article compares the objective and subjective assessment of social infrastructure for children in the region. The Primorsky Territory was chosen as the research object. The author used the surveys of the population and analysis of statistical data as the main research methods.
It was studied the three types of infrastructure facilities for children – of health, education, culture and sports. For the period of 2010–2014 the following indicators were analyzed: the level of infrastructure, investments for children, and the input of new objects of social infrastructure. The participants of the survey were asked to evaluate the work of social – infrastructure childcare institutions in their community.

social potential of childhood, region, social infrastructure

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