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Vol. 20 No. 4, 2017

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Climatic conditions of the Far East as a factor in the development of respiratory diseases


Grigorieva E.A.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (1414 К) PP. 79-85.

Regional disparities in the formation of health status and its main indicators - mortality and morbidity – depend on many factors. The process of respiratory diseases development is largely affected by the peculiarities of climate and weather conditions in the region. The aim of the paper is to identify the relationship between climate discomfort and regional specifi city of the respiratory system pathology in the Russian Far East. It is shown that more severe climatic conditions, as a consequence, are resulted in a high incidence of respiratory diseases for both the total population and for child and adolescent age cohorts. Morbidity fi gures in the Chukotka Autonomous district in the north of the Far East are twice above than in the Jewish Autonomous region which is in the south of it.

bioclimatic indices, climate discomfort, respiratory morbidity, Russian Far East

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