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Vol. 20 No. 3, 2017

Regional differences of women's migration from the border areas of Russia


Sivoplyasova S.Yu.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (893 К) PP. 58-62.

Residence in the border area is considered as one of the factors stimulating migration. However, the study shows that the conceived determinants are committed for other reasons. So, the female emigration from border regions of Russia is often more infl uenced by moral and socio-economic factors.
In this article the focus is on women's emigration, since this process leads not only to a «direct», but also to «indirect» reduction of the population, in the form of the unborn children to the country. In addition, it is probable that the emigrated woman would never come back if she leaves with the purpose to marry a foreigner.
In this research, the borderland subjects of Russian Federation are grouped into three blocks: regions with high, medium and low levels of female emigration. The authors analyse the most important factors that infl uence female emigration.
The article also presents the results of the survey which allows determining the further dynamics of the women's emigration from regions with high levels of female emigration.

emigration of women, border areas, migration, classifi cation, survey

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