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Vol. 20 No. 2, 2017

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Increase in living standards of the population in China at the initial stage of economic reforms


Zabrovskaya L.V.

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Different approaches in assessment of the Chinese population living standards in the period of economic reforms are described in the work. Foreign and Chinese sociologists, using different research methods, have come to similar conclusions about a substantial increase in living standards of the population in China. The economic reforms have had a direct infl uence on the welfare growth with certain groups of the Chinese population. The incentive politics of the Chinese government, guided by Deng Xiaoping, has resulted in a considerable growth of incomes of people.
The economic reforms have introduced specifi c features into the social structure of every Chinese region. They have led to a drastic increase in the number of prosperous families with a high level of incomes and consumption in the East seaside regions, while the Northeast China is characterized by a high level of unemployment.
Performing the reforms, the Chinese authorities constantly exercised control over their social orientation, not allowing any people to quickly get rich at the expense of others. The emergence of middle class was an important indicator of positive qualitative changes in the Chinese society. To the Chinese economists, the middle class can become the locomotive for further transformations in national economy.

China, economic reforms, living standards, peasantry, owners of small fi rms

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