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Vol. 22 No. 4, 2019

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Dynamics of social infrastructure in the southern regions of the Russian Far East

Kalinina I.V., Solovchenkov S.A.

DOI: 10.31433/2618-9593-2019-22-4-86-92

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The article describes the current state of social infrastructure in three Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation (Amur region, Jewish Autonomous region and Khabarovsk Territory). The authors show that in the subjects under consideration, budget expenditures on social infrastructure are approximately equal and make up about 50%, but these regions differ greatly in absolute terms. They have common negative trends in the spheres of education, healthcare, physical education and sports - a reduction in the number of people involved in these activities and low quality of social services. In the conditions of a shrinking social infrastructure, the situation is not catastrophic only due to the ongoing depopulation process partly eliminating the lack of social services.

social infrastructure, Amur region, Jewish Autonomous region, Khabarovsk Territory, negative trends, education, healthcare, physical education and sport

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