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Vol. 22 No. 4, 2019

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Genetic structure of the Bureinsky Highlands sable (Martes Zibellina) population on base of one hunting season collections

Frisman L.V., Shlufman K.V., Brykova A.L.

DOI: 10.31433/2618-9593-2019-22-4-46-55

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Based on microsatellite analysis of 3 loci, allelic diversity and the level of genetic differentiation were investigated for four geographic sable subpopulations of the Bureinsky highlands and one sable subpopulation of the Sikhote-Alin ridge. Totally, it was found 23 alleles. The researchers found the greatest allelic diversity in one subpopulation of the Sikhote-Alin ridge (22 alleles). Eighteen alleles of 23 detected ones were common to the Bureinsky highlands and SikhoteAlin sable communities. Five of 23 detected alleles were specifi c ones. It was found four specifi c alleles in the Sikhote-Alin subpopulation, and only one specifi c allele – in the Bureinsky highlands. However, the occurrence of specifi c alleles in subpopulations is rather low. 
The pairwise F (ST) of geographical subpopulations refl ected the minimum level of their intraspecifi c genetic differentiation according to the Wright scale (F(ST) <0.05). Their values do not contradict the null hypothesis about the lack of differentiation in the sable community of the Bureinsky highlands. The authors found the statistically signifi cant differentiation only comparing the Sikhote-Alin subpopulation with two subpopulations of the Bureinsky highlands.

sable (Martes zibellina), microsatellites, allele variations, genetic differentiation, Bureinsky highlands, Sikhote-Alin ridge

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