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Vol. 19 No. 4, 2016

Social transformation of 1990s as a factor of daily life crisis for the population of the Russian Far East (on the results of fi eld studies)

Kovalevskaya Yu.N.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (1202 К)   PP. 109-116.

The article is based on materials of the author’s (in cooperation with A.P. Konyahina) fi eld studies and the data from other sources. We studied the human dimension in connection with the everyday life crisis caused by social transformations of the 90s: main directions and a depth of the social space degradation and de-modernization, the local communities’ and individual efforts to overcome the problems. The author used comparative data on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Russia, Far East, everyday life crisis, market reforms, survival practices, structure of daily occurrence

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