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Vol. 18 No. 4, 2015

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Infl uence of small mammal’s dynamics on the tick population: mathematical modeling and numerical experiments

Vshivkova O.A., Neverova G.P., Frisman E.Ya.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (2563 К)   PP. 25-32.

The authors propose a mathematical model of the taiga tick population dynamics taking into account its life cycle and interaction with small mammals. This model studies dynamics regimes of the taiga tick population. They consider the cases, when small mammals’ number is 1) constant 2) undergoes the two-year fl uctuations. The authors investigate dynamic modes of the proposed model and study the infl uence of small mammal’s dynamics on fl uctuations of the taiga tick population.

mathematical modeling, the Beverton-Holt model, age structure, population dynamics, change of dynamic regimes, ticks (Ixodes genus)

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