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Vol. 18 No. 3, 2015

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Migration in the cities of the Far East

Sidorkina Z.I.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (1293 К)   PP. 15-22.

The article concentrates on demographic and social features of the population in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. The attention is focused on natural and migratory movement in the cities. A comparison of the cities has revealed their similarity and their distinctions. The population outfl ow in them is directed to the Central and Northwest federal districts. For the last years both cities are characterized by some positive migration, fi rst noted in Khabarovsk. It is emphasized that the cities demographically develop due to their administratively subordinated territories. It is noted that the population is getting more interested in purchasing dachas and country houses in the suburbs. The publication gives the analysis of migrant manpower structure in the two cities. Most of labor migrants are the citizens of former Soviet republics, or foreigners. In the economy of both cities it is noted a segmentation of labor market, besides, it has appeared separate ethnic units – markets, entertainment centers that work on ethnic basis. In the development of both cities there are two tendencies: universalization of social processes, and striving for the autonomy of economic development that establish new forms of social urban organization.

Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, demographic characteristics, the cities components of dynamics, ethnic migration, ethnosocial structure, suburbs

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