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Vol. 18 No. 3, 2015

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Socio-economic factors of migratory processes in Magadan Region

Galtseva N.V., Favstritskaya O.S., Sharypova O.A.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (2506 К)   PP. 23-34.

A continuing population outfl ow from Magadan Region shows the necessity of serious analysis of the situation, with the following development of the mechanisms that would make the region attractive to the population and cease the migration. In the work it is presented a comparative assessment of migratory streams; main indicators of living standards of the population in Magadan Region, the regions of the Far East federal district, and in the Russian Federation which states a high level of average per capita income of the population, habitation availability, and a low rate of unemployment. However, a detailed assessment of the data for the period of 2000–2013 and its comparison with that of 1990 by the authors makes the reasons of the population leave evident; it shows a considerable fall in living standards of the population, a lack of comfortable habitation and its high cost. The population incomes, including northern coeffi cients and extra charges, do not cover basic needs of the population; they must at least be twice as high to compensate the inclement conditions of Magadan.

migration, living standards of the population, average per capita income, housing, Magadan region, Russian Far East

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