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Vol. 18 No. 2, 2015

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Thermodynamic calculations of the parameters of hydrothermal environment in the modeling of biosphere origin

Kompanichenko V.N., Avchenko O.V.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (7043 К)   PP. 5-13.

Elaborating a hydrothermal scenario of the biosphere origin, it was made thermodynamic calculations of balances in hydrothermal solution, including its solid, liquid and gaseous phases. For the initial standards it has been taken real structures of the Archaean meta-basic rock and chloride-sodium thermal solution from the Uzon caldera in Kamchatka. The calculations were made at temperatures from 25 to 150º, pressure – from 1 to 50 bars, and the water-rock ratio from 1000 to 0,05. Their results show considerable fluctuations in chemism of the liquid phase at the parameters change. It means that hydrothermal solution is characterized by considerable fluctuations of the parameters during its rise to the surface. Such fluctuations are considered as an important condition for the emergence of primary forms of a life on the early Earth.

hydrothermal system, hydrochemical composition, pressure, temperature, calculation, fluctuation, biosphere origin

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