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Vol. 18 No. 1, 2015

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Comparison of dynamics of some game animals inhabiting the Middle Amur territory and the Sverdlovsk area

Neverova G.P., Zhigalskii O. A., Markov N.I. Frisman A.Ya.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (2301 К)   PP. 26-30.

The paper is devoted to analysis and comparison of the population dynamics of game mammals inhabiting disconnected geographical areas of the Middle Amur and the Sverdlovsk regions. It is shown that most game animals are characterized by periodic or aperiodic fluctuations with various amplitudes. To estimate the population fluctuations we have made the autocorrelation, correlation and cross-correlation analyses. They have shown synchronous cyclical fluctuations of the population size, simultaneously occurring in both regions most parts of habitats.

population dynamics, periodic fluctuations, fluctuations with time la g, correlation analysis, cross-correlation analysis

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