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Vol. 23 No. 4, 2020

Distribution of air temperature and precipitation in the Komsomolsky Nature Reserve

Van P.S.

DOI: 10.31433/2618-9593-2020-23-4-3-10

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In this work, the author for the first time provides detailed maps of air temperature and precipitation amounts (annual, seasonal, cold and warm periods) for the territory of the Komsomolsky Nature Reserve by forming matrices from the WorldClim global database of climate data. They show that the difference in average annual air temperatures in the area reaches 4°C, and in annual precipitation – 135 mm. Such spatial heterogeneity has an impact on ecosystems, and its consideration is important for their study. The author made a comparative analysis of the climatic data for the reserve with the indicators obtained from the Komsomolsk and the Lower Amur region weather stations. The identified differences can serve to form corrections at calculating temperatures and precipitation in the reserve, using the data from nearby weather stations.

Komsomolsky Nature Reserve, raster maps, air temperature, precipitation, Lower Amur Region

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