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Vol. 23 No. 4, 2020

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Jewish Autonomous Region: review of the 1939 exhibition «Jews in Tsarist Russia and in the USSR»

Gurevich V.S.

DOI: 10.31433/2618-9593-2020-23-4-35-38

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This work is devoted to the content of the exhibition "Jews in Tsarist Russia and in the USSR", held at the Leningrad State Museum of Ethnography in 1939, and describes its preparation. The article analyzes the role of the head of the Jewish Section of the State Museum of Ethnography (SME) in Leningrad, I. M. Pulner (who died in the siege of Leningrad) in collecting and studying materials of Jewish history in the Soviet Union. The author notes that the exhibition "Jews in Tsarist Russia and in the USSR "perpetuated the achievements of the Leninist-Stalinist national policy among Jews for twenty years" and tried to reflect the real life, difficulties and problems of Jewish collective farms and construction sites in the Jewish Autonomous region.

national policy, representation, ethnographic exhibition, Jewish Autonomous Region

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