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Vol. 23 No. 3, 2020

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New data on distribution of basic phylogenetic lines of the Korean fi eld mice Apodemus Peninsulae in the East of Russia

Sheremetyeva I.N., Tsukanova V.D., Timofeeva D.M., Guskov V.Yu., Kartavtseva I.V.

DOI: 10.31433/2618-9593-2020-23-3-10-20

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On basis of the variability data of the cytochrome b sites (992 bp), the authors analyzed a distribution of the Apodemus peninsulae phylogenetic lines in the Russian Far East and Transbaikal unexplored regions. Where studied 42 individuals from 9 localities. All species of the Apodemus peninsulae from the considered localities were assigned to the 2 phylogenetic lines of «Korea» and «Amur». It was shown that the «Korea» haplotype species are common in the southern Altai and eastern Transbaikalia, and that they inhabit the northern regions of Transbaikalia (Taksimo vicinity) as well. An assumption was made that the «Amur» group formation took place in the middle and / or lower Amur area.

Korean field mouse, Apodemus peninsulae, cytochrome b (cyt b), mitochondrial DNA, phylogenetic lines

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