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Vol. 23 No. 2, 2020

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Variability of molars in the кorean fi eld mouse – Apodemus Peninsulae (Rodentia, Muridae)

Gornykov D.V., Kartavtseva I.V., Roslik G.V., Sheremetyeva I.N.

DOI: 10.31433/2618-9593-2020-23-2-23-31

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The Korean field mouse (Apodemus (Alsomys) peninsulae) is a widely distributed species – a carrier of especially dangerous infections, such as tick-borne encephalitis virus, borreliosis, etc. The morphometric differentiation of geographical forms is weakly expressed, and the morphological one has not been studied yet. In the present study, it was investigated 296 upper and lower molars from 28 specimens of the Korean field mouse population from the Ussuriysky 
Nature Reserve of the Primorsky Territory. It was for the first time that the authors described 28 variable and 5 permanent features, five of them being for the fi rst time revealed in the Alsomys subgenus. The greatest variability was found in the first upper and first lower molars, and the least – in the second upper molar. Previously, in the subgenus of Alsomys, variability in the molars morphology was known only for the A. speciosus and A. argenteus species, endemic to the Japanese islands. The three species molars comparison revealed both similar and unique features characteristic of the A. peninsulae. This work will give a start to morphological study of the A. peninsulae characteristics dependent on certain environmental conditions, and the opportunity to not only describe the unique geographical populations, but also characterize the paleontological material.

Alsomys, the Ussuriysky Native Reserve, morphology of molars, the Far East of Russia

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