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Vol. 21 No. 2, 2018

Climatic discomfort and morbidity at the Russian Far East


Grigorieva E.A.

DOI: 10.31433/1605-220Х-2018-21-2-105-112

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (1810 К) PP. 105-112.

A detailed spatial characteristic of the climate discomfort is given for the federal subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District, based on the index of Normal equivalent-effective temperature. Differences between Normal equivalent-effective temperature and air temperature depend on humidity and wind speed. Spatial patterns of all-cause morbidity and cause-specifi c morbidity for the defi nite disease sensitive to climatic infl uence are analyzed. The high dependence of morbidity in Far Eastern Federal District and climatic conditions expressed by Normal equivalent-effective temperature, fi rst of all, diseases of the respiratory system, is discussed.

climatic discomfort, Normal Equivalent-Effective Temperature, morbidity, Far Eastern Federal District

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