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Vol. 20 No. 3, 2017

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English-language historiography about Chinese participation in the agricultural sector of the south of the Russian far east during 1990–2010


Chernolutskaya E.N.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (1351 К) PP. 50-57.

The article presents the analysis of approaches and evaluations of English-language historiography in relation to the Chinese penetration in the agricultural sector of the far-Eastern frontier in 1990-2010, with a focus on social transformations, the evolution of forms of ownership and types of economic organizations. The works of Western researchers refl ect heterogeneity, the expansion and complication of Chinese agricultural segment of RDV – from the export of labor to the functioning of farms and large agrarian enterprises with the participation of private and public capital of China, as well as creating joint ventures with Russian actors. The other side of this process is the social differentiation of the Russian and Chinese rural population of the border areas. The article also identifi es the views of the experts on the benefi ts, problems and risks of China's economic presence in the Russian peripheral region.

agricultural sector, China-Russian cooperation, export of labor, farms, agribusinesses, southern Far East of Russia, North-Eastern province of China

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