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Vol. 23 No. 2, 2020

Quasi-periodic dynamics in a model of “predator–prey” communities coupled by migration

Kurilova E.V., Kulakov M.P.

DOI: 10.31433/2618-9593-2020-23-2-3-11

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The article is devoted to the dynamics of two coupled non-identical predator–prey communities with growth in prey population and functional response of predators of the Hollings type II. The authors investigated the formation mechanisms of complex spatial-temporal dynamic structures. These structures are characterized by both fast and slow changes in the size of populations, and by various ratios of synchronous and non-synchronous dynamics in certain periods. We described the transition scenarios, from different types of regular burst dynamics to quasi-periodic dynamics, when differences in the communities under consideration vary.

predator–prey, migration, synchronization, bifurcation, tonic spiking and bursting

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