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Vol. 21 No. 2, 2018

Synanthropic component of the vascular plant fl orain Jewish Autonomous Region


Rubtsova T.A.

DOI: 10.31433/1605-220Х-2018-21-2-15-21

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (3256 К) PP. 15-21.

The article gives a brief description of the synanthropic species, their classifi cation, adaptive features, and the results of synanthropization of the vegetation cover. The author gives the data on the fl ora synanthropic species in Jewish Autonomous region (199 species, 13.8% of the regional fl ora), as well as their systematic structure analysis, life forms, ecological and geographical groups. It is shown the ways of distribution of synanthropic species over the territory. The results of original research on the introduction of these species into native forest communities are presented. It is defi ned the synanthropization index of forest plant formations (2.8% of the total number of identifi ed species), and the synanthropic species - Celite Asiatic Chelidonium asiaticum (Hara) Krachulkova, which is predominant in the area.

synanthropic species, Jewish Autonomous Region, fl oristic elements, habitats

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