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Vol. 21 No. 2, 2018

On a model of migration-related populations with long-range interactions


Kulakov M.P.

DOI: 10.31433/1605-220Х-2018-21-2-52-60

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (2977 К) PP. 52-60.

The article is devoted to modeling for spatial dynamics of a two-aged population in a two-dimensional areal. The model based on non-locally coupled two-dimensional maps. The main assumption is that the intensity of the local individuals outfl ow decreases with distance. The author has found the complex spatial regimes: traveling waves in the form of concentric closed fi gures or spirals and spatial regimes with two clusters differing in the types of dynamics.

age structure, space-time dynamics, coupled map lattice, synchronization, clustering

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